Information about the coronavirus for our pool and spa guests

The most important information is that, according to the current state of knowledge, influenza and corona viruses cannot be transmitted via the bathing water. This means that there is no increased risk of infection in the swimming pool, the same precautions apply as are indicated in all other public buildings.

The most important measures for individual prevention of a virus infection are coughing and sneezing etiquette and thorough hand hygiene. If possible, always cough and sneeze in the crook of your arm and wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Please take a shower before the bath and clean yourself thoroughly with soap/shower gel.

For precautionary reasons, we will intensify our cleaning and disinfection measures and carry out additional wipe disinfection of knobs and door handles. If the infection situation in our city changes, we will take further measures in coordination with the health authorities and inform you accordingly.

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