H2O Saunawelt

Special aspects to be noted around the event 05 - 11 July 2022

On the days surrounding the German Infusion Championship, there will be some special aspects to be noted, as operations in the Sauna World will not take place as usual:

On Tuesday, 05 July, the ladies' sauna will be cancelled. There will be a mixed sauna only.

On Tuesday and Wednesday (05 and 06 July), the event equipment will be set up. There may be some noise and the rear part of the sauna area (from Bärenhütte towards Ruhehaus) will no longer be accessible to our guests.

Disassembly of the event equipment will take place on Monday, 11 July. There may possibly be some noise during that time. The rear part of the sauna area (from Bärenhütte towards Ruhehaus) will be made available again as soon as possible, but may still be partially closed. Normal operation will be possible again from Tuesday, 12 July.

Things to know about the event 07 - 10 July 2022

Access to the sauna on all four days of the event (07 - 10 July) will only be possible with an event ticket. This will also apply to holders of 10-person tickets. It will not be possible to book admission from the leisure pool to the sauna at a later date. Tickets can be purchased at our online shop and on site at the sauna ticket office.

Sauna opening hours

  • Thursday, 07 July: 10:00 - 23:00 hrs
  • Friday, 08 July: 09.00 - 23.00 hrs
  • Saturday, 09 July: 09.00 - 23.00 hrs
  • Sunday, 10 July: 09.00 - 23.00 hrs

From friday till sunday Felsentheke will have extended opening hours from 10.00 - 22.00 and will also offer breakfast until 12.00 o’clock.

More information about the German Infusion Championship is available here.

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